Friday, December 11, 2009

Bored. *u*

Ehhh? Go get your own ice-cream! :u;

Nothing to do...Meh~~~
This blog post is just gonna be just sor funz.
Haiz, mannnn...this is so damn borriiing!

Bored. *u*

Monday, November 30, 2009

Happie ^u^

Click for a larger view~ n.n
Hahas, today quite fun!
Went to XQ's house for preparing the presentations for next year's orientation.
Carried my damn heavy laptop all the way there...
Man, my shoulders are sore..=u=''
Meh, wadeva! Okies, so went up to her house.
Eileen's laptop so light one lor...jealous..jkjk x3
Den we started doing. XQ did the powerpoints, Eileen helped her out and I did the flyer..
Pffftt...Hard to visualise a design sia. Hahas, but still finished~
Heheh, I'll post the flyer next time coz' I want it to be a surprise! x3
Ya can see it next year. Be patient! 0w<
After that went to Northpoint to eat! Ate the japanese food again lors.. sian le. Hahas!
Itadakimasu! xD
Walk walk, den see a tablet! $79 lehs, quite cheap actually.
Compared to the one I want...$255! ZOMG, Omigosh! O__O
Nvm, see 1st lor. Maybe will buy the $79 one.
Went back and since finish everthing le, did our own stuff.
Den go down again. Very funny sia, brought a bike down to the 1st floor.
Den notice the bike's tires has gone flat... =3=
Lawls, nvm lor. Played badminton. Den even more funny thing happen!
XQ and Eileen play 1st, I stood there "playing" with the flat-tire bike.
Took care of the bike. Den Eileen's phone. I ask her : "Wah, I become caretaker liaos ar?"
Eileen replied: "Yes, you become butler liao!" LOLX!!! xDD
Den I say I beome Sebastian you become Ciel, the master. Hahas ;D
But I'm a girl so change name to Serene. Weird .___.
Lol, but stuck to Sebastian. x)
Btw, Sebastian's a demon...Kehkeh..
Sebastian(me) : "I'm just one hell of a butler ) "
Kept saying: "My lady." to Eileen. LMAO! x3
XQ became Finny, the gardener! Heheh..:]
Then went home lors. Quite fun today, can I say? 8D
Oh and to Eileen I say: " I'm sorry but I can't wake you up from bed tomrrow, my lady."
I luffles Sebby! xDD
~Sebastian juz gave ya a smirk. Kufufufu... >D~
P.S Sebastian's the one on the left of my blog's wallpaper, and Ciel's the one on the right. From Kuroshitsuji! i luffles it! >0w0<

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tag replies! >OwO<

I love their dancing lots! x3


HM : IoH~ I luffles this game! VauXChe <3

Skyblader: blogmaster took a vacation
Cat: Yesh~ Had a great time at my own dreamland! x3

Eileen: nice drawing sia
Cat: Nahh..still got lots of room to improve. xD

Klins: -.-" Its Already Been 2Weeks and Still No Update... lols -.-"
Cat: I dun think it has been 2 weeks onli...Lawls, now ya can see a new post! Happie? .__.

rachel: you very clever leh!!!can draw until like tis!!!
Cat: Clever? I dun think that's any link mith drawing..lawlx, btw are you Rachel Ang or Rachel Poh? o.O

Mia0xia!: TAGGED! XDD
Cat: Thankies! x3

Skyblader: Update!! ><
Cat: Okays! See? This is an update! =3=

Melvin:B: lols link me yea? btw tagged:D
Cat: Okies, well if imma not that lazy..x3 Thanks!

Okay okay! =3=
Pfffttt.... Ya guys wanted an updated soo HERE! Here's an update.
Okies, noting much happened soooo....

P.S. Learnt Japanese sucessfully! x3 Wooooots!
Kyou wa kin' youbi desu! Ashita wa doyoubi desu! Heheh, nani desu ka? Oh, Watashi wa Shiroi no Neko desu! x3

~Cat juz jumped into da ocean.....of yarn!>w<~

Thursday, November 5, 2009

1st time work! x)

Yesterday went to work. x)
It was a simple job, to distribute flyers, lol!
Hahas, quite fun la. So anyways..........
Went with Miaoxia, Minnie, Eileen, Jiaying.
After that, when we almost reach Raffles Place, someone called Miaoxia.
It was someone called Matthew, then after she hung, she said he was joining us.
And totally out of point, we started guess his age, LMAO. xD
Okays, then when saw him, Jiaying asked his age, he said 17.
Eileen very pro sia, guess 1st time can le! Hahas :D
He's in the Wushu National Team!
Waaaahhhsss! OwO Cooolzzz, lols. xDD
Went to work later lors. When reach le, got our shirts.
Mine was XS. The others was S. Then S was still too big for them,
so Miaoxia and Jiaying changed to XS lors. Hahas, after wearing we got to work.
Aiyoyo, now we know how it feels like. Lol, very tiring..worked 3 hours straight. >w<''
Walked around in circles and circles. Mouth had gone dry after all the, " S'cuse me?" and "Thanks" , "Thank you", "谢谢你"...Plus they asked me tons of questions that
I don't even know how to answer...Hand very sore and painful sia..
Legs like gonna break le. Haizz....But it was worth it~ :)
After that, we went to Somerset to eat. Then Minnie went home 1st.
We went to play billard lor..but me and Miaoxia dunno how to play. LOLS..
But then under 16 cannot go in..then went to other place lor.
That uncle very nice, allow us to enter, hahas. :D
Matthew and Jiaying played 1st. We watched, wahh so pro one..
Then Matthew taught us how to play lors. Quite fun actually, thanks~:]
Well, we played a few rounds and went home.
Okies, done~ Byess, furries! >0w0<
~Cat's bored to da CORE...~

Friday, October 30, 2009


HEYY! You've got your own ramen, don't take mine! D:<

Heellloooo! XD
Kinda happy today! be honest, I'm extremely happy! ;DD
Hahas, got back results, got 6/40 in class! >w<
Mid-Year was 7/40! Yays, gt better! XDD
And for level position, last time I got 14/156
Lol, now get 15/155...Quite ironic.
Class position became better, but level position became worse?
Hahas, anyways it's ok! I got the top 10%! Yays! x3
Hyyyypppper right nooow! Heheh~ ;]
Can get $$$ leh! Lol, I'm not a money-face! XP
Okay, let's get to what happened today.
Like always, went to classroom...blah blah blah
After the singing, Mr Teo gave us a 15 min talk...==
SIAN ARR......Got a teeny bit fed up..Lol, thought over le..
But..Mrs Tan went up and then gave us a 35++min talk....O_O''
OMG, leg totally cramped...pain too..=-=''
Very funny somehow....not my leg la, the talk la! XD
Like always, went back up, blah blah blah
Watched "The Day After Tomorrow"...
Got back Year Book too, sorry forgot to say..^^''
Got lots of people to sign and everything~ :DD
At Basketball court...very very hot lor...can't really open eyes.
But they say it was better than the training on Monday. I didn't go coz of ICT that day.
I was like..Okay....?
Trained, forgot my tao lu le..O_O''
Luckily coach never scold, LOL. ^^''
Then got forms for this and that...AND GUESS WHAT?
There's training right after my b'day! Okay, this isn't a big geddit, doncha? >.<
Okies, I think I shall end here~ :3
Byess, fur-balls! >0w0<

~Cat's so high she's flying~

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Haizz....Sian ar.

My doodles! Hahas, lol...XP

Aiyaya...Just got back my results yesterday...
I knew I won't be able to score as well as before, but
scoring that much really doesn't please me.
But I can't change it. It's already there.
All I can do now is to do my best next year...
Haiz...Although I got the results yesterday,
I just calculated my score into over 1000 and into %.
Not what I'd wanted, I gotta be happy with it though.
Not very sure if I can get into top 10 of our class..
Hopefully can, but I think the mark difference is quite small.
Which means...It's unlikely for me to get into top 10.
Haiz, can't help it..



Hahas, I told you so! You can definetely beat me! Heheh,

you must jia yous for next year too!

Gratz again! XDD

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New blogskin! XD

Got a new blogskin! Hahas, nice mah?
Klins said it was too emo-ish and, but I like it. XD
Credits to Daryl for helping me to make this blogskin!
Arigato~ ;DD
Okies, I should be going to sleep now...>0w0<
Nitez, and peace off~


Friday, October 23, 2009


Today went to watch "Imagine That" with Jody, Klins and Daryl~
Oh, and Amrita tagged along....
Very funny, hahas enjoyed it! XD

Amrita left right after the movie though..
Actually nothing much happened today...>.<
Lolz, then I'll be signing off then~
Bye Byess! :DD

~Mrrow...Cat's bored..~

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Juz wanted to post some of my

Haiz...ICT again...Teacher never tell us to do anything lehz...
Boredd, man..== Lol, nth to do...
Signing off..


Now at home le. :)
Yipeees! Tomorrow no school! Woooots~!
Hahas, anyways all my sub deproved except for my Art and MT...
Haizz....TT^TT So sad...
Nevermind liao, already took the exams le, can't turn back..
Just gotta keep working harder next year! >w<
My MT improved le!!! So happie!
Art also! Improved! Yipeees, XD
But then scared the other artworks pull my marks down..==
Anyways! Tomorrow going out with Jody they all to catch a movie! Yays~
Okies, I shall end here now!
~Peace off~

~Meeooowz? Kehkeh, it wasn't a cat, it was Cat!~

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ICT now...

Now ICT, from 2pm to 4pm..>.<
Lolz, I just finished my powerpoint. Took some time, no?
Hahahas, aiyaya now nothing to do liao, so bored..==
Okies, this is just going to be a short post..
I'm taking off~ Byes!
~Cat juz spread her wings and flew~

Monday, October 19, 2009


Wait for meee!! Keh keh..X3

I'm flying~~ Hahas XDD Terence, all blur..LOLS
Last pic of the day~Not arranged though..>.<
Heheh, Nic and Dewi~ <33
Hey, don't splash onto me! Stop it! Heheh..
Burying Klins ALIVE...Keh keh~
bored and I did these...lolz..XP
It's brright.....>.< Hahas, rofl
Huh? Daryl popped out of nowhere? Lolz XD
Heheh, say cheese!!! >0w0<
Yay! Let's gooo~ ;D
Tweeze~<3 XD
Ummm...what should we do now???

Had tons of fun today at the beach! :DD
Just posting pix, and I think the pix will tell you roughly what happened~
Hahas, I had fun~ :3
Thanks guyz!!!! <33>w<

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wow, Wow, Wow

Is that Cake? It is! Its
MINE!!!! ;DD
Completely RANDOM.

Today something totally new happened. :DD

Interesting and Fun too. (For Once)

It was raining extremely heavily this morning and it FLOODED the school!

Lawls! XD

At the 4th storey, just beside 1e2, there was a "Waterfall"!

Too kewl! Hahas, very kewl lorhs.

Rained so heavily that you can't see the "forest" anymore.

Okies, so ShiHui, MiaoXia, they all, with me, went down..


-Partially flooded..

-A waterfall is there..>.<

-Steps were a little wet...


-Not as flooded as the 4th storey..

-A smaller waterfall..0.o

-Steps etting wetter..



-Flooded to about 3cm? Lawls! Kewl~

-Steps were like minute waterfalls, rushing water! :DD

-Really fun to walk on! ;DD


-Flooded, but not as much as the 2nd storey's...

-Steps were the same, rushing water! 0w0

-Too fun to walk on! Heheh..

Kehkeh..Fun today! :DD

Too bad, after reccess over, no more rain...which means no more rushing water..

No more flooding... No more waterfall...TT^TT


Anyways, went home...

And...When Minnie and me reached the interchange...

We chased after our bus....AGAIN.

Rofl. Whoa, ran like the wind~ >.<

No breath le..XP

This happened for 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS.

Wonder if tomorrow we will run again..


Have the FLOOD. >w<

If can annually 1 time, it would be great! And we can make it a little "Event".

Heheh. Okies, I shall end here~ Nitez, dudez!

~Like always, Cat just flew away.~

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Yipees!!! :DD We're siblings!!! LOL!
Me, XiangQuan, Jie , Gor, MiaoXia! :3

Gor and MiaoXia! They look like siblings,

Doncha think so? >w<
Gor and Me! :D

Me and Eileen! Soo dark sia..^^''

W stands for Wushu! <33

After school, we celebrated Mid-autumn with Wushu Gang and Ms Kee! :DD

Actually only 1 hr one...become 3++ end! LOL.

Went home and rushed. Reached Cresent park at 5.25pm++

They were playing poker, I think. I forgot to bring my DS there!

Den I watched them play lor...TT^TT I've nothing to do..

Skeleton was playing his PSP! :<

Den XiangQuan and MiaoXia arrived, we played badminton after that.

XiangQuan and me dunno how to cycle, that's why we "cycled" for 3 hrs..

She almost can liaos, but I'm still kinda suck..rofl..

Congratz, XQ! Ya can do it!!!

I can do it too!!! I shouted dunno how many times...LOL
Others went home.......
Take pic le. Sent JiaYing home. Den MiaoXia, XiangQuan and me became KaiJie's sisters!
Yay! Got another gor gor liao!!! ^^
Heheh, went to CWP to eat. Gor keep wanting to "blanja" us, bt we dun wan.
Hahas, went home after that!
Thank You Guys For Letting Me Have So Much FUN!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


JiaYing and Me
Wushu Gang Rulez!

CheeYeng eating! Lol!
Wushu Gang Rockz!
Stacking our legs on top of one
another to sleep..x3

Eileen and Me

MiaoXia and Me

Minnie and Me
Juz posting picture we took when we went to watch Wushu performance!
Gooooooo---WUSHU!!! :3
Lurrve you, Wushu Gang! <33

Friday, September 18, 2009

Yays~ :3

Don't think you'll get my yarn when I
drift off to sleep! Okay? >^w^<

Today kinda happie leh :DD

Good stuffz happened, eh, you asking?

Yuppie! Good stuffz, dudes~ x3

Okay, nt all good stuffz, also got I think...1 bad stuff?

Heheh, I think I shall start...^^;

Bad Stuff:

Summary writing actually wrote to 240++ den blanko, blanko, blanko....

left 201...BLANKO again..left 160++...thot again, BLANKO!!!! Now left 155 liaos..

OMG..O_o I think I'll fail for this test le... 201 words that time onli gt 12 or 13 points leh..

Now 155 words..wonder how many points onli sia..T^T

[That's the onli bad thing today...]

Good Stuffz :

1) Music got high marks! :DD

But too bad got tied with Daryl...ALWAYS like this one lor.. -_-''

Nevermind la, that's a tiny problem~ Kehkeh..

2) it seems like my little draft was kinda nice to the Wushu Gang.

Heheh, I'm glad to hear that, coz I spent like 1 hr to draw it...lols..

I should have already finished it in onli 15 mins, but was too concentrated thou,

at the last few chibis I speed drew them so, didn't turn out that nice..^-^'' May

post the art if I have the time...

3) Wushu practice!!!

Okay, thou we ran 2 rounds ariound the level I think it's quite a pleasant practice

today :)) For example, my cartwheel improved!!! >///<

Yay! Finally! I wanted to learn how to do cartwheels since I was young!!

And now, I can almost do it liao!! :DD

4) Ohh! Didn't tell you guys I learn 4 duan Qiang now! Paiseh paiseh...^_^''

I finish 4 duan Jian during the Wushu camp. I miss the camp..even if it was

killing me..lolx..

Kinda scary at first coz coach wasn't in a good mood.....

1st practice was like...Uh-oh..Kanna scold liao....Ok, not scold but got sorta.."Nagged"

Imao.. :x But when it rained, his mood become like soo happie, dunno why leh..

I learned the Tao Lu le!!

I thought that the Tao Lu quite fast finish, coz

5)I already learned 1/4 of it liao! Rofl..

End of Wushu, we did push-ups and a lot more tiring cool-downs..


5 Good stuffz!!! Yippies~ ;P

Tomorrow going to watch Wushu Performance at Natioinal Stadium liao!

Whoa, time really does fly... Hais....-3-

Okies, done! Ciao, dudes and dudettes!!!

~Yiting Juz Flew Away.~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today I'm just gonna post a few stuff coz' lazy lar..
We created nicknames for our row!
Heheh, very fun~ :DD
We started all because of Willy. (Willy, dun eat me up, kay? >w<)
He said Rachel reminded him of a rabbit and I reminded him of a cat..
Weirrrd...A cat? A rabbit? 0.0
And then he started calling us Cat and Rabbit..
But I helped Rachel change into Bunny coz it sounds nicer:3
Wutever, anyways Rachel and I made names for Willy (in return).
Keh keh keh...
And then Edwin....
And so on. ;P
Now we have our own family-thing!
x3 Our animal farm!!!! >^w^<
Here's the nicknames we have:
Xavier - Owl (Coz he studies a lot, nt sure thou..Willy told mi that..By Willy)
Ikmal - Horse (Coz he's in Athletics..By Willy)
Edwin - Monkey (Coz he's somewhat chatty...By Rachel)
Willy - Sabretooth Cat/ Tiger (Coz he likes Sabretooth Cat but Tiger's a shorter name..By Me)
Me - Cat ( Coz Willy says I remind him of one..By Willy)
Rachel - Bunny ( Coz Willy says she reminds him of one..By Willy)
Daryl - Wolf ( Coz he's quiet at times and the opp. sometimes..By me)
Ashley - Heron ( Coz actually wanted Crane but does'nt sound rite..And Heron's are nice..By Me)
Klins - Penguin ( Coz his account sometimes include 'penguin' inside..By Rachel)
Zheng Jie - Peacock ( Coz he likes to groom his fringe..a LOT...By Rachel [Hey, dun kill me or Rachel, kay? ^^;])
Done~! Heheh..gotta go draw my meme now! Sayounara!! ^3^
EDIT: I just edited Klinsmann's name, lol coz at first he was called Bear but then changed, so i forgot le..Hehe..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Results...

Konnichiwa, peeps! <3
I didn't post for sometime, no? Heheh, paiseh paiseh..^^;
Lots of stuff happened but now juz gonna post my results.
Umm...For those hu will overreact..plz calm down or I'll feel bad..
All over...:<
Okaes, here's my results:

English:71.7; A2
Math:87.8; A1
Science:82; A1
MT:62.2; B4
Geography:91; A1
Art: 67.5; B3
Literature: 68; B3
D&T:86; A1

I want to say this to my dear friends:
For those who never get the grades they wanted, I really wish you all the best,
and to never give up. I know you'll get an improvement by doing so.
Dedicated specially to: Chern Ying, Rachel, Jody, Ashley,Zi Cheng, Yong Sheng, Willy.
I'll add if I know other friends marks..<33

Friday, August 7, 2009

National Day~

Yo, People!
It's Singapore's 44th b'dae! *sings happy b'dae song*
Woo hoo!!! I'll tell ya what happened today...

6am alarm clock rang...soo noisy! I sleepily off it.
I always wake up 10 mins after it rings...LAZY!!
When about to sleep liao, Granma call bro wake up...
Den I cannot sleep le lor...On lights and everything..>.<
Wore a red tee with Singapore-related pic on it.^^
Prepare finish le, actually gonna go down le, den dad say brings us to school.
Yahoo!!! Don't need to walk le!
Reached school...Went up, meet MiaoXia they all.
As usual...blah blah blah..
Then go down sing National Anthem,etc.
Sang "Home" i think............?
Went back to class to take temperature and prepare costume for mascot.
Took temperature le....
Then, the make-up artists helped Hilmi dress-up a little...
He's the best choice for a mascot, I tell you! Hahas.
Go hall.... sit down lors.
2E2, the winners of the cheer last time, went up to cheer for s'pore. AWESOME!!
Wait for everyone redy den sang song.
Den, mascot fashion show! Yays~ GO GO GO 1E1~~~
Results will be released next friday...WHY NOT NOW??!!
Hahaha, jkjk ;D
Then sing again loh......
Going to end le, got gifts... a no-good desgin...LOL
Ending le, all so happie and hyper one, got dull when SOMEONE told us to quiet down.. PICK LITTER! Wah lao....
Our aura dimmed until 0% lorz...

Went back to old school....
Lots of ppl no come....Sad....TT.TT
Met with LiJie and SiHui at bus stop.
Went together...
Reache there hor, the guard dun let us in!
Wah Lao! Ey, think you new security guard then can be soo bad ar?
Just kidding.:P

waited outside, chatted, they buy Bubble tea but I didn't.
Chatted again, walked, saw Evelyn, Winna and Deanna.
Chat AGAIN! Hahas!
Den SiHui, LiJie left.....soo early lehz
Went to buy bubble tea with the others lor.
Sat down at playground....
But this time we did not chat...
We complained. Laff out loud... Den shared our thoughts and memories...
Haizz...miss them and the school sia....LOTS! NO, TONZ!
Evelyn left lor......
The rest chatted............................
We went to buy snacks, and ice-pop.
Went to my house with Deanna and Winna....
Teached Winna some stuff usind my laptop..
Let Deanna play my DS...Hamsterz! <33
That game very kawaii one...<33
I and Winna shared the laptop introducing one another to here and there.
Den send them downstairs to say goodbyes
Cya, you crazy fur-balls! Mwahahahaha!!! >:D

Saturday, August 1, 2009


25 July..-Preparation

Went to prepare for BBQ.
Met up with JiaYing and Eileen at the MRT,
Go North point meet with Rosabel, XiangQUan and MiaoXia, den go to XiangQuan's home
After that, Went to AMK Hub to buy stuff...I think.>.<
Bought Sotong, Blech!
Actually wanted to buy dead prawn one, but aunty say live one better...
We thought for a while den "Okay lor.."
BUT..It was a wrong thing to do..
Finished shopping, went back to XiangQuan's home..
Packed stuff, Listed the items...
We prepared the sotong...
EEEEWWW! Still can remember the gross things in it...
Den, got one ar, got very big slimy thingy...Think is egg..
About evening le, we took out prawn..
Put in basin...They all jump out!
We all screamed like crazy! LOL!
XiangQuan den accidentally let a live one drop!
We all scream again! AHHHH!
Later, XiangQuan purposely throw a live one at us.
We screamed...AGAIN.
Whoa, I dunno how many times we screamed that day..
We finally thought, put it back lah, let it freeze 1st,
Tmrw den settle it.....
We took turns to put it one by one,SLOWLY, into the plastic bag..
Then, drop! SCREAAAMMMM!!!!!
LOL, den ZhengJie say we crazy one..
Her Dad saw what happened and say " Don't need like that lar"
He used his BARE hands to scoop and put it in!!!
Yuck! Oww! Not slimy and digusting meh?
Went back Home...

26 July-BBQ!!

Met up with Rosabel they all.
Go to XiangQuan's house, AGAIN!
Den went to eat, came back.
Time to settle the prawns.........
We poured it out, thot still alive.
Den stand very far from them....LOL
Poked it with my index finger, Phew,die le..
Peeled the shell and then got mucus thing come out...
I think it's the brain juice..BLECH!
Finish everything, I stay with Rosabel and XiangQuan.
They made the whole kitchen flooded to make it clean! LOLS!
I played lor, used the broom and swept the water to the small hole.
Gotta Admit, quite fun sia! >0w0<
Reached the party, ate, played and chat...
Well, too bad Miss Guaring didn't turn up..
Haizz, Sayounara people!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Not counting the results I got for MT,
the small gash I accidentally used my jian to slash myself(!), IT WAS A PURRFECT DAY TODAE!!!!
Firstly, in the morning woke up at 6 am sia.... Brush teeth, change, blah blah...
Den already 6.20am liaoz...
Went down lors,
when reach school, already 7.10+am LIAO!!!!
Took 50+ mins... too bad my dad didn't bring me to school... haizz.
Den read, prepare for MT.
Gave out the papers, I got 28/50!!!
At first kinda sad, but at least I passed,
Coz when doing test, keep muttering, "Die le.. Sooo HARDDD FOR WAT???!!!"
Geography, teacher no come.
Everyone cheer like crazy!
Coz we thot no class test....
BUT, we were wrong...!
When relief teacher says still have,
everyone bellowed, "Huh.......?!"
So funny sia! Everyone got happy for nothing. BUt the test wasn't too hard.
I think I can score at least 10/15..
Den know Teddy Gor no COME!!!
without him, the aura dimmed...
Teacher also no come..
Do worksheet lorz, after most of them finished, became noisy again...
A lot,
Never bring music book. I was one of them... heheh
You'll know what happens next if you're taught by Mdm Poh...
Dun nid to tell you, just that my ears were ringing then...
Coach was a little late.
Den we gals plotted...
1 min late, do 3 push ups!
LOLX, Den Coach after 19 mins den come!
We all said, " Do 57 push ups!!!"
Den Coach said, " Let me off la, I tried to rush here one.."
When we finish 'ji ben gong', he gave us a water break.
I dunno who but someone dashed to drink.
Then Coach said,"Wah, so excited to drink ar?"
We all laughed like crazy!!!!! XDD
End of Wushu,
Go Admiralty Mrt to drink and eat plus chat with MiaoXia, Rosabel & XiangQuan.
We got Bubble Tea and shared shaker fries.
Den chat lors...
After a while some crazy girls go and take our pic secretly.
We don't even know them lor!
So K-poh for what? Dun show basic manners one..
They on their laptop and purposely dun let us see what they're doing.
If they DARE edit our PIC,
Ok, maybe a little too sarcastic..

~wanders to drawdrawland...~

Monday, July 20, 2009


Today quite fun.
Just that my bag is DAMN heavy one sia!
Litt, have one more dramtizaton....ZOMG
FT period, we do wksheet for racial harmony. BLAH, BLAH...
Wushu, coach and Ms Kee did not come. XiangQuan then told ud what to do lor...
Firstly, we ran two rounds around the level!!! >.< No breath liaoz!
Next, VIGOROUS stretching! Now i know how being rubber band feels like!
Legs all very sore!!! I almost a little can do split le...Too bad T.T
Lastly, do frog jump "rally"! We became giant frogs hopping around!
Wah!! So sooorrrre liao our legs... Legs kept trembling ya know? Not because scared, but because its gonna break!!!
Then over liao went home with Minnie.
~The End~

Monday, July 6, 2009


Hiies, Sry for not posting...
Kinda busy and not in the MOOD!
Something is really wrong...
Can't post pic one....This blog...!
I'll tell you what happened when I'm away..
Went for Perfomance...
Got results....

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sry....Stress sia

Hi hi hi~~~~i'm sqeaukin with stress!!!XD hahas...

Sooo stress lar.....

All the exams are rushing to us so that we can stare and write on them...

Time flies soo damn FAST!!=P


Well,i will not be posting liao

Coz exams comin next week!XP




Stressed OUT lahhh....@.@

Anyways,best of luck to evverybody for MYE!!!

Go go go!!!=DD

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sooo Much stuffz to do....

Posting pix for Fun...=P

Hi there everyone~Very loong since i post liao...
Sry...I'm soo sry,sry,sry,sry,sry,sryX100
Coz i was too busy with homework,extra lessons & tests,tests,tests!
Now almost EVERY WEEK have liao...
Stress ar...hehe=P
A LOT of things happened when i'm gone from posting
Too much to post all here..Lawls
But i can tell you some...Here goes my very looong story
Sports Carnival, RED HOUSE grabbed the place of champion again!!!
My house had been the champ for 3-no 4 years now!!!
After that go CWP with wushu gang to eat Pizza Hut~
Very fun and we took dunno how much pix liao...
Den bought watch which has the same design
but different colours as Jie n Miaoxia~~~
Got new Ez-link card lor.....
My pic very nice.....NOT!!!
Damn UGLY AR!!
Den actually want to paste a sticker on it one
But den techer sae cannot!Diao -.-''
I planning to buy the Ez-Link card sticker one...
See if have time lor...Hehe..Lolx
Morning same lorhs...see XiangQuan,Go put bag...
Same OLD thing..
Bt after school no one was prepared for....
Not onli that,before the very EXTRA LITT LESSON..
We have another EXTRA HOME ECONS LESSON....
Luckie for us,the Litt Lesson was juz to check your test lor
If you haven finish lar..
Aftr that saw MissCheah,our darhling teacher~
She's soo nice!!!! Lurve her!!!
But den too bad onli the ones who got 5 n below for
Our Algebra test can stay back for her to teach..
Well, is not like i wanna get 5 or below but...
I want her to teach us...
Den walk to Mrt station with Jody,Rachel,Jeslyn,Selene and Chernying
On the way, me n Jody drank the same drink
N the seeds in there looked like "Sperms......"
Den kept jokin about it...
Selene n Jeslyn buy ice pop
Jeslyn's one looked like blood so we chat about blood...
When reach CWP interchange,
Jeslyn mizz 2 of her bus!!!
Den laff lorhs.....
Den go back home lor
I skipped a lot.... of the looong story

but u noe why.....Cya~