Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sooo Much stuffz to do....

Posting pix for Fun...=P

Hi there everyone~Very loong since i post liao...
Sry...I'm soo sry,sry,sry,sry,sry,sryX100
Coz i was too busy with homework,extra lessons & tests,tests,tests!
Now almost EVERY WEEK have liao...
Stress ar...hehe=P
A LOT of things happened when i'm gone from posting
Too much to post all here..Lawls
But i can tell you some...Here goes my very looong story
Sports Carnival, RED HOUSE grabbed the place of champion again!!!
My house had been the champ for 3-no 4 years now!!!
After that go CWP with wushu gang to eat Pizza Hut~
Very fun and we took dunno how much pix liao...
Den bought watch which has the same design
but different colours as Jie n Miaoxia~~~
Got new Ez-link card lor.....
My pic very nice.....NOT!!!
Damn UGLY AR!!
Den actually want to paste a sticker on it one
But den techer sae cannot!Diao -.-''
I planning to buy the Ez-Link card sticker one...
See if have time lor...Hehe..Lolx
Morning same lorhs...see XiangQuan,Go put bag...
Same OLD thing..
Bt after school no one was prepared for....
Not onli that,before the very EXTRA LITT LESSON..
We have another EXTRA HOME ECONS LESSON....
Luckie for us,the Litt Lesson was juz to check your test lor
If you haven finish lar..
Aftr that saw MissCheah,our darhling teacher~
She's soo nice!!!! Lurve her!!!
But den too bad onli the ones who got 5 n below for
Our Algebra test can stay back for her to teach..
Well, is not like i wanna get 5 or below but...
I want her to teach us...
Den walk to Mrt station with Jody,Rachel,Jeslyn,Selene and Chernying
On the way, me n Jody drank the same drink
N the seeds in there looked like "Sperms......"
Den kept jokin about it...
Selene n Jeslyn buy ice pop
Jeslyn's one looked like blood so we chat about blood...
When reach CWP interchange,
Jeslyn mizz 2 of her bus!!!
Den laff lorhs.....
Den go back home lor
I skipped a lot.... of the looong story

but u noe why.....Cya~

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