Monday, November 30, 2009

Happie ^u^

Click for a larger view~ n.n
Hahas, today quite fun!
Went to XQ's house for preparing the presentations for next year's orientation.
Carried my damn heavy laptop all the way there...
Man, my shoulders are sore..=u=''
Meh, wadeva! Okies, so went up to her house.
Eileen's laptop so light one lor...jealous..jkjk x3
Den we started doing. XQ did the powerpoints, Eileen helped her out and I did the flyer..
Pffftt...Hard to visualise a design sia. Hahas, but still finished~
Heheh, I'll post the flyer next time coz' I want it to be a surprise! x3
Ya can see it next year. Be patient! 0w<
After that went to Northpoint to eat! Ate the japanese food again lors.. sian le. Hahas!
Itadakimasu! xD
Walk walk, den see a tablet! $79 lehs, quite cheap actually.
Compared to the one I want...$255! ZOMG, Omigosh! O__O
Nvm, see 1st lor. Maybe will buy the $79 one.
Went back and since finish everthing le, did our own stuff.
Den go down again. Very funny sia, brought a bike down to the 1st floor.
Den notice the bike's tires has gone flat... =3=
Lawls, nvm lor. Played badminton. Den even more funny thing happen!
XQ and Eileen play 1st, I stood there "playing" with the flat-tire bike.
Took care of the bike. Den Eileen's phone. I ask her : "Wah, I become caretaker liaos ar?"
Eileen replied: "Yes, you become butler liao!" LOLX!!! xDD
Den I say I beome Sebastian you become Ciel, the master. Hahas ;D
But I'm a girl so change name to Serene. Weird .___.
Lol, but stuck to Sebastian. x)
Btw, Sebastian's a demon...Kehkeh..
Sebastian(me) : "I'm just one hell of a butler ) "
Kept saying: "My lady." to Eileen. LMAO! x3
XQ became Finny, the gardener! Heheh..:]
Then went home lors. Quite fun today, can I say? 8D
Oh and to Eileen I say: " I'm sorry but I can't wake you up from bed tomrrow, my lady."
I luffles Sebby! xDD
~Sebastian juz gave ya a smirk. Kufufufu... >D~
P.S Sebastian's the one on the left of my blog's wallpaper, and Ciel's the one on the right. From Kuroshitsuji! i luffles it! >0w0<

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