Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Results...

Konnichiwa, peeps! <3
I didn't post for sometime, no? Heheh, paiseh paiseh..^^;
Lots of stuff happened but now juz gonna post my results.
Umm...For those hu will overreact..plz calm down or I'll feel bad..
All over...:<
Okaes, here's my results:

English:71.7; A2
Math:87.8; A1
Science:82; A1
MT:62.2; B4
Geography:91; A1
Art: 67.5; B3
Literature: 68; B3
D&T:86; A1

I want to say this to my dear friends:
For those who never get the grades they wanted, I really wish you all the best,
and to never give up. I know you'll get an improvement by doing so.
Dedicated specially to: Chern Ying, Rachel, Jody, Ashley,Zi Cheng, Yong Sheng, Willy.
I'll add if I know other friends marks..<33

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