Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Haizz....Sian ar.

My doodles! Hahas, lol...XP

Aiyaya...Just got back my results yesterday...
I knew I won't be able to score as well as before, but
scoring that much really doesn't please me.
But I can't change it. It's already there.
All I can do now is to do my best next year...
Haiz...Although I got the results yesterday,
I just calculated my score into over 1000 and into %.
Not what I'd wanted, I gotta be happy with it though.
Not very sure if I can get into top 10 of our class..
Hopefully can, but I think the mark difference is quite small.
Which means...It's unlikely for me to get into top 10.
Haiz, can't help it..



Hahas, I told you so! You can definetely beat me! Heheh,

you must jia yous for next year too!

Gratz again! XDD

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