Thursday, October 22, 2009


Juz wanted to post some of my

Haiz...ICT again...Teacher never tell us to do anything lehz...
Boredd, man..== Lol, nth to do...
Signing off..


Now at home le. :)
Yipeees! Tomorrow no school! Woooots~!
Hahas, anyways all my sub deproved except for my Art and MT...
Haizz....TT^TT So sad...
Nevermind liao, already took the exams le, can't turn back..
Just gotta keep working harder next year! >w<
My MT improved le!!! So happie!
Art also! Improved! Yipeees, XD
But then scared the other artworks pull my marks down..==
Anyways! Tomorrow going out with Jody they all to catch a movie! Yays~
Okies, I shall end here now!
~Peace off~

~Meeooowz? Kehkeh, it wasn't a cat, it was Cat!~

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