Friday, October 30, 2009


HEYY! You've got your own ramen, don't take mine! D:<

Heellloooo! XD
Kinda happy today! be honest, I'm extremely happy! ;DD
Hahas, got back results, got 6/40 in class! >w<
Mid-Year was 7/40! Yays, gt better! XDD
And for level position, last time I got 14/156
Lol, now get 15/155...Quite ironic.
Class position became better, but level position became worse?
Hahas, anyways it's ok! I got the top 10%! Yays! x3
Hyyyypppper right nooow! Heheh~ ;]
Can get $$$ leh! Lol, I'm not a money-face! XP
Okay, let's get to what happened today.
Like always, went to classroom...blah blah blah
After the singing, Mr Teo gave us a 15 min talk...==
SIAN ARR......Got a teeny bit fed up..Lol, thought over le..
But..Mrs Tan went up and then gave us a 35++min talk....O_O''
OMG, leg totally cramped...pain too..=-=''
Very funny somehow....not my leg la, the talk la! XD
Like always, went back up, blah blah blah
Watched "The Day After Tomorrow"...
Got back Year Book too, sorry forgot to say..^^''
Got lots of people to sign and everything~ :DD
At Basketball court...very very hot lor...can't really open eyes.
But they say it was better than the training on Monday. I didn't go coz of ICT that day.
I was like..Okay....?
Trained, forgot my tao lu le..O_O''
Luckily coach never scold, LOL. ^^''
Then got forms for this and that...AND GUESS WHAT?
There's training right after my b'day! Okay, this isn't a big geddit, doncha? >.<
Okies, I think I shall end here~ :3
Byess, fur-balls! >0w0<

~Cat's so high she's flying~

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