Friday, September 18, 2009

Yays~ :3

Don't think you'll get my yarn when I
drift off to sleep! Okay? >^w^<

Today kinda happie leh :DD

Good stuffz happened, eh, you asking?

Yuppie! Good stuffz, dudes~ x3

Okay, nt all good stuffz, also got I think...1 bad stuff?

Heheh, I think I shall start...^^;

Bad Stuff:

Summary writing actually wrote to 240++ den blanko, blanko, blanko....

left 201...BLANKO again..left 160++...thot again, BLANKO!!!! Now left 155 liaos..

OMG..O_o I think I'll fail for this test le... 201 words that time onli gt 12 or 13 points leh..

Now 155 words..wonder how many points onli sia..T^T

[That's the onli bad thing today...]

Good Stuffz :

1) Music got high marks! :DD

But too bad got tied with Daryl...ALWAYS like this one lor.. -_-''

Nevermind la, that's a tiny problem~ Kehkeh..

2) it seems like my little draft was kinda nice to the Wushu Gang.

Heheh, I'm glad to hear that, coz I spent like 1 hr to draw it...lols..

I should have already finished it in onli 15 mins, but was too concentrated thou,

at the last few chibis I speed drew them so, didn't turn out that nice..^-^'' May

post the art if I have the time...

3) Wushu practice!!!

Okay, thou we ran 2 rounds ariound the level I think it's quite a pleasant practice

today :)) For example, my cartwheel improved!!! >///<

Yay! Finally! I wanted to learn how to do cartwheels since I was young!!

And now, I can almost do it liao!! :DD

4) Ohh! Didn't tell you guys I learn 4 duan Qiang now! Paiseh paiseh...^_^''

I finish 4 duan Jian during the Wushu camp. I miss the camp..even if it was

killing me..lolx..

Kinda scary at first coz coach wasn't in a good mood.....

1st practice was like...Uh-oh..Kanna scold liao....Ok, not scold but got sorta.."Nagged"

Imao.. :x But when it rained, his mood become like soo happie, dunno why leh..

I learned the Tao Lu le!!

I thought that the Tao Lu quite fast finish, coz

5)I already learned 1/4 of it liao! Rofl..

End of Wushu, we did push-ups and a lot more tiring cool-downs..


5 Good stuffz!!! Yippies~ ;P

Tomorrow going to watch Wushu Performance at Natioinal Stadium liao!

Whoa, time really does fly... Hais....-3-

Okies, done! Ciao, dudes and dudettes!!!

~Yiting Juz Flew Away.~

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