Friday, November 27, 2009

Tag replies! >OwO<

I love their dancing lots! x3


HM : IoH~ I luffles this game! VauXChe <3

Skyblader: blogmaster took a vacation
Cat: Yesh~ Had a great time at my own dreamland! x3

Eileen: nice drawing sia
Cat: Nahh..still got lots of room to improve. xD

Klins: -.-" Its Already Been 2Weeks and Still No Update... lols -.-"
Cat: I dun think it has been 2 weeks onli...Lawls, now ya can see a new post! Happie? .__.

rachel: you very clever leh!!!can draw until like tis!!!
Cat: Clever? I dun think that's any link mith drawing..lawlx, btw are you Rachel Ang or Rachel Poh? o.O

Mia0xia!: TAGGED! XDD
Cat: Thankies! x3

Skyblader: Update!! ><
Cat: Okays! See? This is an update! =3=

Melvin:B: lols link me yea? btw tagged:D
Cat: Okies, well if imma not that lazy..x3 Thanks!

Okay okay! =3=
Pfffttt.... Ya guys wanted an updated soo HERE! Here's an update.
Okies, noting much happened soooo....

P.S. Learnt Japanese sucessfully! x3 Wooooots!
Kyou wa kin' youbi desu! Ashita wa doyoubi desu! Heheh, nani desu ka? Oh, Watashi wa Shiroi no Neko desu! x3

~Cat juz jumped into da ocean.....of yarn!>w<~

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