Saturday, October 3, 2009


Yipees!!! :DD We're siblings!!! LOL!
Me, XiangQuan, Jie , Gor, MiaoXia! :3

Gor and MiaoXia! They look like siblings,

Doncha think so? >w<
Gor and Me! :D

Me and Eileen! Soo dark sia..^^''

W stands for Wushu! <33

After school, we celebrated Mid-autumn with Wushu Gang and Ms Kee! :DD

Actually only 1 hr one...become 3++ end! LOL.

Went home and rushed. Reached Cresent park at 5.25pm++

They were playing poker, I think. I forgot to bring my DS there!

Den I watched them play lor...TT^TT I've nothing to do..

Skeleton was playing his PSP! :<

Den XiangQuan and MiaoXia arrived, we played badminton after that.

XiangQuan and me dunno how to cycle, that's why we "cycled" for 3 hrs..

She almost can liaos, but I'm still kinda suck..rofl..

Congratz, XQ! Ya can do it!!!

I can do it too!!! I shouted dunno how many times...LOL
Others went home.......
Take pic le. Sent JiaYing home. Den MiaoXia, XiangQuan and me became KaiJie's sisters!
Yay! Got another gor gor liao!!! ^^
Heheh, went to CWP to eat. Gor keep wanting to "blanja" us, bt we dun wan.
Hahas, went home after that!
Thank You Guys For Letting Me Have So Much FUN!!!

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