Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today I'm just gonna post a few stuff coz' lazy lar..
We created nicknames for our row!
Heheh, very fun~ :DD
We started all because of Willy. (Willy, dun eat me up, kay? >w<)
He said Rachel reminded him of a rabbit and I reminded him of a cat..
Weirrrd...A cat? A rabbit? 0.0
And then he started calling us Cat and Rabbit..
But I helped Rachel change into Bunny coz it sounds nicer:3
Wutever, anyways Rachel and I made names for Willy (in return).
Keh keh keh...
And then Edwin....
And so on. ;P
Now we have our own family-thing!
x3 Our animal farm!!!! >^w^<
Here's the nicknames we have:
Xavier - Owl (Coz he studies a lot, nt sure thou..Willy told mi that..By Willy)
Ikmal - Horse (Coz he's in Athletics..By Willy)
Edwin - Monkey (Coz he's somewhat chatty...By Rachel)
Willy - Sabretooth Cat/ Tiger (Coz he likes Sabretooth Cat but Tiger's a shorter name..By Me)
Me - Cat ( Coz Willy says I remind him of one..By Willy)
Rachel - Bunny ( Coz Willy says she reminds him of one..By Willy)
Daryl - Wolf ( Coz he's quiet at times and the opp. sometimes..By me)
Ashley - Heron ( Coz actually wanted Crane but does'nt sound rite..And Heron's are nice..By Me)
Klins - Penguin ( Coz his account sometimes include 'penguin' inside..By Rachel)
Zheng Jie - Peacock ( Coz he likes to groom his fringe..a LOT...By Rachel [Hey, dun kill me or Rachel, kay? ^^;])
Done~! Heheh..gotta go draw my meme now! Sayounara!! ^3^
EDIT: I just edited Klinsmann's name, lol coz at first he was called Bear but then changed, so i forgot le..Hehe..

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