Thursday, November 5, 2009

1st time work! x)

Yesterday went to work. x)
It was a simple job, to distribute flyers, lol!
Hahas, quite fun la. So anyways..........
Went with Miaoxia, Minnie, Eileen, Jiaying.
After that, when we almost reach Raffles Place, someone called Miaoxia.
It was someone called Matthew, then after she hung, she said he was joining us.
And totally out of point, we started guess his age, LMAO. xD
Okays, then when saw him, Jiaying asked his age, he said 17.
Eileen very pro sia, guess 1st time can le! Hahas :D
He's in the Wushu National Team!
Waaaahhhsss! OwO Cooolzzz, lols. xDD
Went to work later lors. When reach le, got our shirts.
Mine was XS. The others was S. Then S was still too big for them,
so Miaoxia and Jiaying changed to XS lors. Hahas, after wearing we got to work.
Aiyoyo, now we know how it feels like. Lol, very tiring..worked 3 hours straight. >w<''
Walked around in circles and circles. Mouth had gone dry after all the, " S'cuse me?" and "Thanks" , "Thank you", "谢谢你"...Plus they asked me tons of questions that
I don't even know how to answer...Hand very sore and painful sia..
Legs like gonna break le. Haizz....But it was worth it~ :)
After that, we went to Somerset to eat. Then Minnie went home 1st.
We went to play billard lor..but me and Miaoxia dunno how to play. LOLS..
But then under 16 cannot go in..then went to other place lor.
That uncle very nice, allow us to enter, hahas. :D
Matthew and Jiaying played 1st. We watched, wahh so pro one..
Then Matthew taught us how to play lors. Quite fun actually, thanks~:]
Well, we played a few rounds and went home.
Okies, done~ Byess, furries! >0w0<
~Cat's bored to da CORE...~

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