Saturday, August 1, 2009


25 July..-Preparation

Went to prepare for BBQ.
Met up with JiaYing and Eileen at the MRT,
Go North point meet with Rosabel, XiangQUan and MiaoXia, den go to XiangQuan's home
After that, Went to AMK Hub to buy stuff...I think.>.<
Bought Sotong, Blech!
Actually wanted to buy dead prawn one, but aunty say live one better...
We thought for a while den "Okay lor.."
BUT..It was a wrong thing to do..
Finished shopping, went back to XiangQuan's home..
Packed stuff, Listed the items...
We prepared the sotong...
EEEEWWW! Still can remember the gross things in it...
Den, got one ar, got very big slimy thingy...Think is egg..
About evening le, we took out prawn..
Put in basin...They all jump out!
We all screamed like crazy! LOL!
XiangQuan den accidentally let a live one drop!
We all scream again! AHHHH!
Later, XiangQuan purposely throw a live one at us.
We screamed...AGAIN.
Whoa, I dunno how many times we screamed that day..
We finally thought, put it back lah, let it freeze 1st,
Tmrw den settle it.....
We took turns to put it one by one,SLOWLY, into the plastic bag..
Then, drop! SCREAAAMMMM!!!!!
LOL, den ZhengJie say we crazy one..
Her Dad saw what happened and say " Don't need like that lar"
He used his BARE hands to scoop and put it in!!!
Yuck! Oww! Not slimy and digusting meh?
Went back Home...

26 July-BBQ!!

Met up with Rosabel they all.
Go to XiangQuan's house, AGAIN!
Den went to eat, came back.
Time to settle the prawns.........
We poured it out, thot still alive.
Den stand very far from them....LOL
Poked it with my index finger, Phew,die le..
Peeled the shell and then got mucus thing come out...
I think it's the brain juice..BLECH!
Finish everything, I stay with Rosabel and XiangQuan.
They made the whole kitchen flooded to make it clean! LOLS!
I played lor, used the broom and swept the water to the small hole.
Gotta Admit, quite fun sia! >0w0<
Reached the party, ate, played and chat...
Well, too bad Miss Guaring didn't turn up..
Haizz, Sayounara people!

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