Friday, October 30, 2009


HEYY! You've got your own ramen, don't take mine! D:<

Heellloooo! XD
Kinda happy today! be honest, I'm extremely happy! ;DD
Hahas, got back results, got 6/40 in class! >w<
Mid-Year was 7/40! Yays, gt better! XDD
And for level position, last time I got 14/156
Lol, now get 15/155...Quite ironic.
Class position became better, but level position became worse?
Hahas, anyways it's ok! I got the top 10%! Yays! x3
Hyyyypppper right nooow! Heheh~ ;]
Can get $$$ leh! Lol, I'm not a money-face! XP
Okay, let's get to what happened today.
Like always, went to classroom...blah blah blah
After the singing, Mr Teo gave us a 15 min talk...==
SIAN ARR......Got a teeny bit fed up..Lol, thought over le..
But..Mrs Tan went up and then gave us a 35++min talk....O_O''
OMG, leg totally cramped...pain too..=-=''
Very funny somehow....not my leg la, the talk la! XD
Like always, went back up, blah blah blah
Watched "The Day After Tomorrow"...
Got back Year Book too, sorry forgot to say..^^''
Got lots of people to sign and everything~ :DD
At Basketball court...very very hot lor...can't really open eyes.
But they say it was better than the training on Monday. I didn't go coz of ICT that day.
I was like..Okay....?
Trained, forgot my tao lu le..O_O''
Luckily coach never scold, LOL. ^^''
Then got forms for this and that...AND GUESS WHAT?
There's training right after my b'day! Okay, this isn't a big geddit, doncha? >.<
Okies, I think I shall end here~ :3
Byess, fur-balls! >0w0<

~Cat's so high she's flying~

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Haizz....Sian ar.

My doodles! Hahas, lol...XP

Aiyaya...Just got back my results yesterday...
I knew I won't be able to score as well as before, but
scoring that much really doesn't please me.
But I can't change it. It's already there.
All I can do now is to do my best next year...
Haiz...Although I got the results yesterday,
I just calculated my score into over 1000 and into %.
Not what I'd wanted, I gotta be happy with it though.
Not very sure if I can get into top 10 of our class..
Hopefully can, but I think the mark difference is quite small.
Which means...It's unlikely for me to get into top 10.
Haiz, can't help it..



Hahas, I told you so! You can definetely beat me! Heheh,

you must jia yous for next year too!

Gratz again! XDD

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New blogskin! XD

Got a new blogskin! Hahas, nice mah?
Klins said it was too emo-ish and, but I like it. XD
Credits to Daryl for helping me to make this blogskin!
Arigato~ ;DD
Okies, I should be going to sleep now...>0w0<
Nitez, and peace off~


Friday, October 23, 2009


Today went to watch "Imagine That" with Jody, Klins and Daryl~
Oh, and Amrita tagged along....
Very funny, hahas enjoyed it! XD

Amrita left right after the movie though..
Actually nothing much happened today...>.<
Lolz, then I'll be signing off then~
Bye Byess! :DD

~Mrrow...Cat's bored..~

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Juz wanted to post some of my

Haiz...ICT again...Teacher never tell us to do anything lehz...
Boredd, man..== Lol, nth to do...
Signing off..


Now at home le. :)
Yipeees! Tomorrow no school! Woooots~!
Hahas, anyways all my sub deproved except for my Art and MT...
Haizz....TT^TT So sad...
Nevermind liao, already took the exams le, can't turn back..
Just gotta keep working harder next year! >w<
My MT improved le!!! So happie!
Art also! Improved! Yipeees, XD
But then scared the other artworks pull my marks down..==
Anyways! Tomorrow going out with Jody they all to catch a movie! Yays~
Okies, I shall end here now!
~Peace off~

~Meeooowz? Kehkeh, it wasn't a cat, it was Cat!~

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ICT now...

Now ICT, from 2pm to 4pm..>.<
Lolz, I just finished my powerpoint. Took some time, no?
Hahahas, aiyaya now nothing to do liao, so bored..==
Okies, this is just going to be a short post..
I'm taking off~ Byes!
~Cat juz spread her wings and flew~

Monday, October 19, 2009


Wait for meee!! Keh keh..X3

I'm flying~~ Hahas XDD Terence, all blur..LOLS
Last pic of the day~Not arranged though..>.<
Heheh, Nic and Dewi~ <33
Hey, don't splash onto me! Stop it! Heheh..
Burying Klins ALIVE...Keh keh~
bored and I did these...lolz..XP
It's brright.....>.< Hahas, rofl
Huh? Daryl popped out of nowhere? Lolz XD
Heheh, say cheese!!! >0w0<
Yay! Let's gooo~ ;D
Tweeze~<3 XD
Ummm...what should we do now???

Had tons of fun today at the beach! :DD
Just posting pix, and I think the pix will tell you roughly what happened~
Hahas, I had fun~ :3
Thanks guyz!!!! <33>w<

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wow, Wow, Wow

Is that Cake? It is! Its
MINE!!!! ;DD
Completely RANDOM.

Today something totally new happened. :DD

Interesting and Fun too. (For Once)

It was raining extremely heavily this morning and it FLOODED the school!

Lawls! XD

At the 4th storey, just beside 1e2, there was a "Waterfall"!

Too kewl! Hahas, very kewl lorhs.

Rained so heavily that you can't see the "forest" anymore.

Okies, so ShiHui, MiaoXia, they all, with me, went down..


-Partially flooded..

-A waterfall is there..>.<

-Steps were a little wet...


-Not as flooded as the 4th storey..

-A smaller waterfall..0.o

-Steps etting wetter..



-Flooded to about 3cm? Lawls! Kewl~

-Steps were like minute waterfalls, rushing water! :DD

-Really fun to walk on! ;DD


-Flooded, but not as much as the 2nd storey's...

-Steps were the same, rushing water! 0w0

-Too fun to walk on! Heheh..

Kehkeh..Fun today! :DD

Too bad, after reccess over, no more rain...which means no more rushing water..

No more flooding... No more waterfall...TT^TT


Anyways, went home...

And...When Minnie and me reached the interchange...

We chased after our bus....AGAIN.

Rofl. Whoa, ran like the wind~ >.<

No breath le..XP

This happened for 3 CONSECUTIVE DAYS.

Wonder if tomorrow we will run again..


Have the FLOOD. >w<

If can annually 1 time, it would be great! And we can make it a little "Event".

Heheh. Okies, I shall end here~ Nitez, dudez!

~Like always, Cat just flew away.~

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Yipees!!! :DD We're siblings!!! LOL!
Me, XiangQuan, Jie , Gor, MiaoXia! :3

Gor and MiaoXia! They look like siblings,

Doncha think so? >w<
Gor and Me! :D

Me and Eileen! Soo dark sia..^^''

W stands for Wushu! <33

After school, we celebrated Mid-autumn with Wushu Gang and Ms Kee! :DD

Actually only 1 hr one...become 3++ end! LOL.

Went home and rushed. Reached Cresent park at 5.25pm++

They were playing poker, I think. I forgot to bring my DS there!

Den I watched them play lor...TT^TT I've nothing to do..

Skeleton was playing his PSP! :<

Den XiangQuan and MiaoXia arrived, we played badminton after that.

XiangQuan and me dunno how to cycle, that's why we "cycled" for 3 hrs..

She almost can liaos, but I'm still kinda suck..rofl..

Congratz, XQ! Ya can do it!!!

I can do it too!!! I shouted dunno how many times...LOL
Others went home.......
Take pic le. Sent JiaYing home. Den MiaoXia, XiangQuan and me became KaiJie's sisters!
Yay! Got another gor gor liao!!! ^^
Heheh, went to CWP to eat. Gor keep wanting to "blanja" us, bt we dun wan.
Hahas, went home after that!
Thank You Guys For Letting Me Have So Much FUN!!!