Monday, November 30, 2009

Happie ^u^

Click for a larger view~ n.n
Hahas, today quite fun!
Went to XQ's house for preparing the presentations for next year's orientation.
Carried my damn heavy laptop all the way there...
Man, my shoulders are sore..=u=''
Meh, wadeva! Okies, so went up to her house.
Eileen's laptop so light one lor...jealous..jkjk x3
Den we started doing. XQ did the powerpoints, Eileen helped her out and I did the flyer..
Pffftt...Hard to visualise a design sia. Hahas, but still finished~
Heheh, I'll post the flyer next time coz' I want it to be a surprise! x3
Ya can see it next year. Be patient! 0w<
After that went to Northpoint to eat! Ate the japanese food again lors.. sian le. Hahas!
Itadakimasu! xD
Walk walk, den see a tablet! $79 lehs, quite cheap actually.
Compared to the one I want...$255! ZOMG, Omigosh! O__O
Nvm, see 1st lor. Maybe will buy the $79 one.
Went back and since finish everthing le, did our own stuff.
Den go down again. Very funny sia, brought a bike down to the 1st floor.
Den notice the bike's tires has gone flat... =3=
Lawls, nvm lor. Played badminton. Den even more funny thing happen!
XQ and Eileen play 1st, I stood there "playing" with the flat-tire bike.
Took care of the bike. Den Eileen's phone. I ask her : "Wah, I become caretaker liaos ar?"
Eileen replied: "Yes, you become butler liao!" LOLX!!! xDD
Den I say I beome Sebastian you become Ciel, the master. Hahas ;D
But I'm a girl so change name to Serene. Weird .___.
Lol, but stuck to Sebastian. x)
Btw, Sebastian's a demon...Kehkeh..
Sebastian(me) : "I'm just one hell of a butler ) "
Kept saying: "My lady." to Eileen. LMAO! x3
XQ became Finny, the gardener! Heheh..:]
Then went home lors. Quite fun today, can I say? 8D
Oh and to Eileen I say: " I'm sorry but I can't wake you up from bed tomrrow, my lady."
I luffles Sebby! xDD
~Sebastian juz gave ya a smirk. Kufufufu... >D~
P.S Sebastian's the one on the left of my blog's wallpaper, and Ciel's the one on the right. From Kuroshitsuji! i luffles it! >0w0<

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tag replies! >OwO<

I love their dancing lots! x3


HM : IoH~ I luffles this game! VauXChe <3

Skyblader: blogmaster took a vacation
Cat: Yesh~ Had a great time at my own dreamland! x3

Eileen: nice drawing sia
Cat: Nahh..still got lots of room to improve. xD

Klins: -.-" Its Already Been 2Weeks and Still No Update... lols -.-"
Cat: I dun think it has been 2 weeks onli...Lawls, now ya can see a new post! Happie? .__.

rachel: you very clever leh!!!can draw until like tis!!!
Cat: Clever? I dun think that's any link mith drawing..lawlx, btw are you Rachel Ang or Rachel Poh? o.O

Mia0xia!: TAGGED! XDD
Cat: Thankies! x3

Skyblader: Update!! ><
Cat: Okays! See? This is an update! =3=

Melvin:B: lols link me yea? btw tagged:D
Cat: Okies, well if imma not that lazy..x3 Thanks!

Okay okay! =3=
Pfffttt.... Ya guys wanted an updated soo HERE! Here's an update.
Okies, noting much happened soooo....

P.S. Learnt Japanese sucessfully! x3 Wooooots!
Kyou wa kin' youbi desu! Ashita wa doyoubi desu! Heheh, nani desu ka? Oh, Watashi wa Shiroi no Neko desu! x3

~Cat juz jumped into da ocean.....of yarn!>w<~

Thursday, November 5, 2009

1st time work! x)

Yesterday went to work. x)
It was a simple job, to distribute flyers, lol!
Hahas, quite fun la. So anyways..........
Went with Miaoxia, Minnie, Eileen, Jiaying.
After that, when we almost reach Raffles Place, someone called Miaoxia.
It was someone called Matthew, then after she hung, she said he was joining us.
And totally out of point, we started guess his age, LMAO. xD
Okays, then when saw him, Jiaying asked his age, he said 17.
Eileen very pro sia, guess 1st time can le! Hahas :D
He's in the Wushu National Team!
Waaaahhhsss! OwO Cooolzzz, lols. xDD
Went to work later lors. When reach le, got our shirts.
Mine was XS. The others was S. Then S was still too big for them,
so Miaoxia and Jiaying changed to XS lors. Hahas, after wearing we got to work.
Aiyoyo, now we know how it feels like. Lol, very tiring..worked 3 hours straight. >w<''
Walked around in circles and circles. Mouth had gone dry after all the, " S'cuse me?" and "Thanks" , "Thank you", "谢谢你"...Plus they asked me tons of questions that
I don't even know how to answer...Hand very sore and painful sia..
Legs like gonna break le. Haizz....But it was worth it~ :)
After that, we went to Somerset to eat. Then Minnie went home 1st.
We went to play billard lor..but me and Miaoxia dunno how to play. LOLS..
But then under 16 cannot go in..then went to other place lor.
That uncle very nice, allow us to enter, hahas. :D
Matthew and Jiaying played 1st. We watched, wahh so pro one..
Then Matthew taught us how to play lors. Quite fun actually, thanks~:]
Well, we played a few rounds and went home.
Okies, done~ Byess, furries! >0w0<
~Cat's bored to da CORE...~