Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool!!!♥

Frenz Hang On To Each Other.....♥ Hi,hi!!!!It's APRIL FOOL!!!♥
One of my favourite days,LOLX~
Well,i got tricked by Shihui and gor gor loh.
I tricked 7 or 8 people...♥
Laff out LOUD!
Went with Ashley
When reach canteen,buy food lor..common sense
After buy liao,find seat and sat down...common sense again..♫
Den Ashley saw her frenz,say byebye and go with her frenz
I went to find Jiejie,Eileen,Miaoxia,Gorgor and Minnie...
Eat together lor.. Den talk about the competition Eileen is going today...
They all very tense up sia..
Lucky mi,Gorgor and Miaoxia not going~Hehe♫
Minnie's competition is tmrw leh!
Even i a bit stress..Dunno why leh?
Jie's competition is on next tues.....
Waaaa... so much competition these days..Lolx♥
Juz wish the ones going for competition,
Best of Luck,Go win a medal!!!Yay~♥

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