Tuesday, March 31, 2009

31 Mar♫

Smile Everyday,Everytime.....♥♥♥♥♥♥=D


Change blogskin again.........♫

Nice??? Very hard to find leh!


Quite sad that Ms Aini change to Miss Aw now..

She is our new Science teacher.

Lots of things happened when i was away...

June Holidays went back to Wushu training,

went to meet up with Lyne jie jie,

went to Zoo....♫

Sorry but i dun hav the pix for the zoo....

When i get it,i'll post it right away~


Went to the dental clinic.....brrr!

I HATE going there!!!!!!

Luckily nothing bad happened.......

Then go for lessons...

After that go home with Rita lor...

On the way back,bought Ice-cream.

I chose Peppermint while Rita chose Raspberry.

How unlucky of her to go back home to get PE attire when she also has Maths Remedial....

Coz the teacher last minute say the Campus Ralley for our Sports Carnival nid to meet up at noon dunno wat time..coz i not one of them♥

She rushed home(not without finishing the ice-cream♫)

Den i saw Minnie at the bus interchange.

Go back home together lor..♥

I not that emo one hor~♥


Thats all for today......HOPEFULLY~♫

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