Wednesday, September 23, 2009


JiaYing and Me
Wushu Gang Rulez!

CheeYeng eating! Lol!
Wushu Gang Rockz!
Stacking our legs on top of one
another to sleep..x3

Eileen and Me

MiaoXia and Me

Minnie and Me
Juz posting picture we took when we went to watch Wushu performance!
Gooooooo---WUSHU!!! :3
Lurrve you, Wushu Gang! <33

Friday, September 18, 2009

Yays~ :3

Don't think you'll get my yarn when I
drift off to sleep! Okay? >^w^<

Today kinda happie leh :DD

Good stuffz happened, eh, you asking?

Yuppie! Good stuffz, dudes~ x3

Okay, nt all good stuffz, also got I think...1 bad stuff?

Heheh, I think I shall start...^^;

Bad Stuff:

Summary writing actually wrote to 240++ den blanko, blanko, blanko....

left 201...BLANKO again..left 160++...thot again, BLANKO!!!! Now left 155 liaos..

OMG..O_o I think I'll fail for this test le... 201 words that time onli gt 12 or 13 points leh..

Now 155 words..wonder how many points onli sia..T^T

[That's the onli bad thing today...]

Good Stuffz :

1) Music got high marks! :DD

But too bad got tied with Daryl...ALWAYS like this one lor.. -_-''

Nevermind la, that's a tiny problem~ Kehkeh..

2) it seems like my little draft was kinda nice to the Wushu Gang.

Heheh, I'm glad to hear that, coz I spent like 1 hr to draw it...lols..

I should have already finished it in onli 15 mins, but was too concentrated thou,

at the last few chibis I speed drew them so, didn't turn out that nice..^-^'' May

post the art if I have the time...

3) Wushu practice!!!

Okay, thou we ran 2 rounds ariound the level I think it's quite a pleasant practice

today :)) For example, my cartwheel improved!!! >///<

Yay! Finally! I wanted to learn how to do cartwheels since I was young!!

And now, I can almost do it liao!! :DD

4) Ohh! Didn't tell you guys I learn 4 duan Qiang now! Paiseh paiseh...^_^''

I finish 4 duan Jian during the Wushu camp. I miss the camp..even if it was

killing me..lolx..

Kinda scary at first coz coach wasn't in a good mood.....

1st practice was like...Uh-oh..Kanna scold liao....Ok, not scold but got sorta.."Nagged"

Imao.. :x But when it rained, his mood become like soo happie, dunno why leh..

I learned the Tao Lu le!!

I thought that the Tao Lu quite fast finish, coz

5)I already learned 1/4 of it liao! Rofl..

End of Wushu, we did push-ups and a lot more tiring cool-downs..


5 Good stuffz!!! Yippies~ ;P

Tomorrow going to watch Wushu Performance at Natioinal Stadium liao!

Whoa, time really does fly... Hais....-3-

Okies, done! Ciao, dudes and dudettes!!!

~Yiting Juz Flew Away.~

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today I'm just gonna post a few stuff coz' lazy lar..
We created nicknames for our row!
Heheh, very fun~ :DD
We started all because of Willy. (Willy, dun eat me up, kay? >w<)
He said Rachel reminded him of a rabbit and I reminded him of a cat..
Weirrrd...A cat? A rabbit? 0.0
And then he started calling us Cat and Rabbit..
But I helped Rachel change into Bunny coz it sounds nicer:3
Wutever, anyways Rachel and I made names for Willy (in return).
Keh keh keh...
And then Edwin....
And so on. ;P
Now we have our own family-thing!
x3 Our animal farm!!!! >^w^<
Here's the nicknames we have:
Xavier - Owl (Coz he studies a lot, nt sure thou..Willy told mi that..By Willy)
Ikmal - Horse (Coz he's in Athletics..By Willy)
Edwin - Monkey (Coz he's somewhat chatty...By Rachel)
Willy - Sabretooth Cat/ Tiger (Coz he likes Sabretooth Cat but Tiger's a shorter name..By Me)
Me - Cat ( Coz Willy says I remind him of one..By Willy)
Rachel - Bunny ( Coz Willy says she reminds him of one..By Willy)
Daryl - Wolf ( Coz he's quiet at times and the opp. sometimes..By me)
Ashley - Heron ( Coz actually wanted Crane but does'nt sound rite..And Heron's are nice..By Me)
Klins - Penguin ( Coz his account sometimes include 'penguin' inside..By Rachel)
Zheng Jie - Peacock ( Coz he likes to groom his fringe..a LOT...By Rachel [Hey, dun kill me or Rachel, kay? ^^;])
Done~! Heheh..gotta go draw my meme now! Sayounara!! ^3^
EDIT: I just edited Klinsmann's name, lol coz at first he was called Bear but then changed, so i forgot le..Hehe..