Friday, January 23, 2009

23 J@n!!!!

Hiees!!!It might be early to say tis but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


Todae i went to visit my old school.It isn't too old~Hahas,LOLX...=P

When i reach there,I saw my best frenz n we chatted with each other.Yay,Frenz Reunion!!!

Lolz....Anywayz we had lots of fun..

Though some didn't come....SOB....T.T

The WORST thing is.......

I can't find my TEACHERS!!!!!

Waaaaaaaaa..............................So sad.......

I miss them lotz..And i didn't get 2 c them......X(

Although i can c them on teachers' dae.....

It isn't gd enuf!!!Its months away!!!!OMG!!!!

Nvm...I'll hav 2 endure den!~>.<~

Well,I'll post next time.


Pebblepelt =P

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