Friday, July 24, 2009


Not counting the results I got for MT,
the small gash I accidentally used my jian to slash myself(!), IT WAS A PURRFECT DAY TODAE!!!!
Firstly, in the morning woke up at 6 am sia.... Brush teeth, change, blah blah...
Den already 6.20am liaoz...
Went down lors,
when reach school, already 7.10+am LIAO!!!!
Took 50+ mins... too bad my dad didn't bring me to school... haizz.
Den read, prepare for MT.
Gave out the papers, I got 28/50!!!
At first kinda sad, but at least I passed,
Coz when doing test, keep muttering, "Die le.. Sooo HARDDD FOR WAT???!!!"
Geography, teacher no come.
Everyone cheer like crazy!
Coz we thot no class test....
BUT, we were wrong...!
When relief teacher says still have,
everyone bellowed, "Huh.......?!"
So funny sia! Everyone got happy for nothing. BUt the test wasn't too hard.
I think I can score at least 10/15..
Den know Teddy Gor no COME!!!
without him, the aura dimmed...
Teacher also no come..
Do worksheet lorz, after most of them finished, became noisy again...
A lot,
Never bring music book. I was one of them... heheh
You'll know what happens next if you're taught by Mdm Poh...
Dun nid to tell you, just that my ears were ringing then...
Coach was a little late.
Den we gals plotted...
1 min late, do 3 push ups!
LOLX, Den Coach after 19 mins den come!
We all said, " Do 57 push ups!!!"
Den Coach said, " Let me off la, I tried to rush here one.."
When we finish 'ji ben gong', he gave us a water break.
I dunno who but someone dashed to drink.
Then Coach said,"Wah, so excited to drink ar?"
We all laughed like crazy!!!!! XDD
End of Wushu,
Go Admiralty Mrt to drink and eat plus chat with MiaoXia, Rosabel & XiangQuan.
We got Bubble Tea and shared shaker fries.
Den chat lors...
After a while some crazy girls go and take our pic secretly.
We don't even know them lor!
So K-poh for what? Dun show basic manners one..
They on their laptop and purposely dun let us see what they're doing.
If they DARE edit our PIC,
Ok, maybe a little too sarcastic..

~wanders to drawdrawland...~

Monday, July 20, 2009


Today quite fun.
Just that my bag is DAMN heavy one sia!
Litt, have one more dramtizaton....ZOMG
FT period, we do wksheet for racial harmony. BLAH, BLAH...
Wushu, coach and Ms Kee did not come. XiangQuan then told ud what to do lor...
Firstly, we ran two rounds around the level!!! >.< No breath liaoz!
Next, VIGOROUS stretching! Now i know how being rubber band feels like!
Legs all very sore!!! I almost a little can do split le...Too bad T.T
Lastly, do frog jump "rally"! We became giant frogs hopping around!
Wah!! So sooorrrre liao our legs... Legs kept trembling ya know? Not because scared, but because its gonna break!!!
Then over liao went home with Minnie.
~The End~

Monday, July 6, 2009


Hiies, Sry for not posting...
Kinda busy and not in the MOOD!
Something is really wrong...
Can't post pic one....This blog...!
I'll tell you what happened when I'm away..
Went for Perfomance...
Got results....